Wednesday, 1 April 2020

From What to Who? - It's In Others

This post builds on the ideas I introduced in the previous post on the Who-What maturity model.

Observation 2 - The People Around Me

I'm observing that as I become more proficient in photography, or engineering, or leading people, discipling people in the gospel, or being a dad, I ask fewer WHAT and HOW questions. 

In the last 24 months, as I've been reading more books like "What's Best Next" and "The One Thing", I've been chewing on WHY questions a lot more. It can be so liberating to do something mundane and be able to endure it because you know the reason WHY you would get back in the game over and over again.

But WHO questions - just WOW. This is the explosive ingredient that I've overlooked for igniting that interest in the people I'm working with.

Here are some examples I've thought of in the parenting, engineering and evangelism fields.
Yes, we all share different things, but as I think of the style of the discussions I tend to have with them, they tend to fall in one of the four categories:

Pick up your toys!
Stay focused on it until it's done 
So mum and dad don't have to tell you over and over again
You are a considerate boy who loves your mum and dad
Check your own design before you submit it for approval
Use the quality checklist
Great design and build quality means better safety and sustainable outcomes for our customers and for society
We are a world class team so we hold each other to a high standard
Share Jesus with your friends
Read the Bible with them so they can discover the truth for themselves
You want people around you to live whole lives, for the benefit of not just themselves, but for others
You are the ambassador representing Jesus 

So tell me,

  • WHO do you know who seems to know their true impact on others
  • WHO in the public arena do you admire? Which domain do they operate in?

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