Sunday, 15 March 2020

From What to Who - It's in me

I've been chewing on a fascinating mental model (yet to be named).
Let's call it the Who-What maturity model for now.

This concept was jolted into my front of mind recently by a dear mentor who asked me,
"How would others describe your authenticity?"
What a great question! In other words, "How well do people around you know you?"
So here is the first of a few observations as I reflect on this idea.

Observation 1 - Photography

When you start out with photography, you can get caught up in a whole number of WHATs
  • What camera should I buy
  • What lenses do I "need" to shoot portraits
  • What software do I "need" to speed up my workflow
After that you work through a number of HOWs as you sharpen your craft
  • How to take that dusk shot?
  • How to halve my post processing time?
  • How to get the next gig?
After a while some might be comfortable enough with the WHATs and HOWs and think about 
  • Why am I taking photos on a Saturday?
  • Why am I staying up late the process photos in Lightroom?
But rarely do you meet people who think beyond the Why to
  • Who is the person on the other side of the lens?
  • Who is the person on this side of the lens?

So tell me:

  • What is your hobby/passion project?
  • Where are you on this journey?

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