Sunday, 17 May 2015

James and his vocab

It's hard not to observe the differences in our two boys.

Sam has always been about average or slightly above average in his language development. Kindy has helped HEAPS in his language development. We are so thankful for his Kindy.

Jimmy on the other hand learns like y=x^2.

He picks up on sentences really well.
His mandarin skills are probably superior to Sam's at present.
He surprises us from time to time the phrases he can churn out at 2 and 1/2 years of age.

Jimmy's got a few things going for him.

  1. He likes to repeat things
  2. He is determined, very determined to get answers. No problem repeating questions 20x.
  3. He has Sam, who likes to teach him things
  4. He has a relatively gifted head size for his body size
  5. Sam has helped guinea pigged and weeded out some of our ineffective teaching practices

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