Monday, 27 April 2015

What's got more energy?

How do you explain energy to a class of kindy students?

I'm going to try it at Sam's kindy this Friday. Sam is very excited about me visiting.

I can't wait either.

First I'm thinking of talking about the various sources of energy. Starting from what they ate for brekkie. Then energy from fuels, like burning trees. And battery energy. And kinetic energy (moving stuff). And potential energy (stuff from high up falling down). And the ultimate source of our energy.

This will be the last time I get to don my refinery work clothes, so I'll definitely be talking about OIL.

Which kid does not want to learn how diggers need diesel, jet planes need jet, passenger cars need petrol, and great BBQ chefs need gas?

Oh and it turns out the kids are learning about recycling. So I'll somehow tie it in with saving energy.

My dream is to hear that kids went home and and told their parents about how we get oil out of the ground and into their world. 

Last time I did this one of the boys, Tom went home and went on and on about diesel and petrol and how they are made from oil. 

Watch this space to hear about how I go.

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