Sunday, 4 January 2015

Scooter, Museums and all that Frass

We took the boys to the museum and to the parklands for a swim.
Afterwards, I asked Sam what was his favourite part.

Looking for the eggs!

In the museum, there was an area where you could see stuffed Australian animals and touch some fossils. One display was a glass cabinet of stick insects.

And then near the help desk, there was a sign that said something like:

"Help us find eggs in the frass!"

Sam responded to the call for help.

Sam loved it.

Sorting through poo with some tweezers and sometimes without, Sam looked for tiny stick insect eggs and put them on a petrie dish.

It looks like many others before him enjoyed it too.

What a great lesson for motivating people:
Make it voluntary.
Make it slightly tricky.
Disguise the disgusting with fancy words.

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